Accounting Careers Blog

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Accounting Jobs in Florida: Entry-Level to Executive!

Florida 2

Discover top accounting jobs in Florida. Explore competitive salaries and exciting companies now!

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The University of Pennsylvania Accounting Program. What's The Fuss?

University of Pennsylvania Accounting Program

Why consider the University of Pennsylvania Accounting Program over all the other great universities out there? Graduates of the Wharton School of Business are highly regarded and sought after

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Bookkeeping Jobs. Huge demand, lots of responsibility and well paid

Bookkeeping Jobs

Bookkeeping jobs are an essential component of businesses of all sizes. Bookkeepers are in huge demand and the payoff could be a position of real influence in the business.

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Forensic Accounting Jobs. The most exciting careers in Accounting?

Forensic Accounting

Forensic Accounting Jobs are an exciting opportunity within accounting. It's been highlighted as one of the most sought after jobs of the future

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Why An Accounting Degree Program Could Be The Key To Your Success

Accounting Degree Program

Is an accounting degree program necessary to pursue an accounting career? It's going to be more difficult than ever to say no. From entry level jobs to bookkeepers and CFO's let's tell you why.

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5 Reasons To Become An Accountant

Oh, buckle up, because I'm about to crunch some numbers and tickle your funny bone at the same time! Here are five hilarious reasons why you should consider becoming an accountant:

Embrace the "Sum" of All Jokes: As an accountant, you'll have a never-ending supply of pun-tastic material! From "account-antics" to "balance sheet banter," you'll be the life of the party with your witty financial wordplay. Who knew numbers could be so amusing?

Dollars and Sense of Humor: Accounting will turn you into the ultimate financial detective. You'll be like Sherlock Holmes, but instead of solving crimes, you'll be balancing books and finding the missing pennies! Get ready to crack jokes and solve mysteries simultaneously.

Tax-Time Tales: Tax season might seem daunting to some, but for you, it's the season of laughter! You'll get to play the hero, helping people navigate through the complex world of taxes. Picture yourself as the "Tax Whisperer," making everyone smile despite the paperwork chaos.

Perks of Punny Dress Code: Forget those boring corporate dress codes! As an accountant, you can rock a tie with hilarious mathematical equations or wear socks with little dollar signs. You'll have fun dressing up while calculating profits!

Party with the "Book"keepers: Accountants have an incredible social life. You'll be invited to every party because everyone knows that where there are accountants, there's sure to be a good time! Who wouldn't want to hang out with someone who can calculate the perfect party budget?

So there you have it – five sidesplitting reasons to become an accountant. Laugh your way through the financial world and bring a smile to everyone's face with your hilarious number-crunching skills! 🤣💰

Harvard University Accounting Degree Programs: The world’s best.

Harvard University Accounting Degree Programs are rated among the best in the world, with the Harvard Business School one of the most prestigious

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University of Michigan Master Of Accounting Program


The University of Michigan Master Of Accounting Program is one of the country's top accountancy courses. Ross Master Of Accounting Program

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UIUC Accounting

UIUC Picture 1

The UIUC Accounting Master programs - Master Of Accounting Science, Master Of Science In Accountancy & Online Master of Science in Accountancy (iMSA)

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An Accounting Certification will be your best best career investment

An accounting certification lies behind every successful accountant. If you want to get ahead in accountancy then an accounting certification is a must.

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Accounting Internships. How To Make Yourself Really Stand Out

Accounting Interns

Accounting internships gives you the chance to work alongside accounting professionals on the on job and see how things works in real life. Benefits? Life changing and improved exam results

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Bachelor's Degree In Accounting? Which is the right one for you?

Bachelor's Degree In Accounting

Bachelor's Degree in Accounting that work for you can be tricky to be find. It's a huge decision. But just how good is the degree? How many graduates get jobs?

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The Accredited Business Accountant Certification (ABA). Right For You?

Completing the ABA Accredited Business Accountant certification stands you out from the crowd when it comes to providing your accounting services.

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Lambers CPA Review Course. Affordable. Focused. Satisfied Students.

The Lambers CPA Review Course is a traditional and comprehensive study option. Thousands of students have used this course for the CPA Exam since 1966

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International Accounting Jobs. The World's Your Oyster

International Accounting Jobs are an amazing way to get the best out of your accounting career. Take advantage of what the world has to offer!

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Financial Accounting & The Importance of Financial Statements

Financial accounting is the vital art of preparing financial statements that are used extensively by internal and external parties to make decisions about a company.

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Accounting and Ethics.

When people talk about integrity and ethics that's where you - an accountant - need to shine. In the accounting profession ethics of the highest standard are paramount. Being seen as the one person in a company who people can trust is a major key to being a successful accountant. Never forget it.

Accounting Degree Reviews | Northeast USA |

Finding an accounting degree in Northeast USA doesn't need to be hard. Check out our reviews of over twenty five of the very best

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what should an accounting resume look like

What should an accounting resume look like? Want to make your accounting resume stand out?

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Top Career Advice For Accountants. Tips To Help Your Accounting Career Rocket

Everyone needs career advice. Accountant’s even more so with the fierce competition being faced for jobs at all levels. It’s time to give you an edge.

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University of Wisconsin-Madison Accounting Degree Programs. Smart or Boozy?

University of Wisconsin-Madison Accounting Degree Programs offer a highly rated business school course at a college renowned for its academic prowess. And partying!

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Accounting Jobs - Here's Our Big List Of Top Accounting Careers

Accounting Jobs - get the facts and fiction with our big list of the top accounting careers

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A Resume and Cover Letter? What's the difference?

What’s the difference between a resume and cover letter? Many candidates looking for an accounting job, or any job for that matter, regularly trip up on this

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How to write a business plan

Accountants must know how to write a business plan that will help you build you or your clients business

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Accountants save $57m. For real.

Ever wondered if accountants really can save costs or just talk about it? How about this $57m proposal? White House proposes folding PCAOB into SEC by 2022

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The Accounting Equation

The accounting equation is most commonly explained as:

Assets less Liabilities = Shareholders Equity plus Retained Earnings


Shareholders Equity = Assets less liabilities less retained earnings

Both are correct but one is far more intuitive than the other.

Which makes more sense to you?

What did Warren Buffett Say About Accounting?

"Accounting is the language of Business" is Warren Buffet's welcome view of the accounting and indirectly the accountants who speak this language! Totally on point.

The True Value Of Financial Control

If you work in Financial Control never let anyone tell you it's not "value add" work. Try borrowing money or listing your company with a bad set of financial statements.

What do the Big 4 accounting firms do?

List to Sanjina's experience as a Risk Consultant at Deloitte. You'll be surprised at what she does!

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Does this employee recommend PwC?

Listen to Ella talk about her role in Internal Audit; how she grasped what PwC had to offer and, her social impact passion. But does she recommend PwC as a place to work?

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Kaplan Online Accounting Degree - The Truth

Kaplan online accounting degree programs continue to impress its former students and provide them with solid employment opportunities.

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12 Job Interview Tips To Help You Land An Accounting Job

Our job interview tips are a timeless guide to be ahead of 95% of your competition. There’s fierce competition for Accounting jobs these days so make sure you stand out from the crowd

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Infographic - The Top 10 Accounting Jobs

Discover the top 10 Accounting Jobs through our brand new Infographic. Find out the salaries you can expect to earn and what the jobs actually involve.

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The Top 10 Traits Of A Great Accountant: Qualities That Will Set You Apart

The top 10 traits of a great accountant. We count down the personal qualities that are most important, and what separates the best accountants from the rest of the pack

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20 Time Management Tips That Can Save Your Life

Building your arsenal of time management tips is an absolute necessity for accountants young and old. Get time management wrong and you're destined to a life of misery

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Financial Reporting: Should Boffins With White Coats Only Apply?

Financial reporting is probably the most technically focused area of accounting. It involves understanding the accounting standards and preparing financial statements for statutory reporting purposes

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Environmental Accounting: Bring Your Passion Towards A Sustainable Profit

Environmental accounting is a relatively new field of accounting, which allow people with a passion for the environment to combine it with the traditional accounting skillset

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Financial Controller: At The Top Of Your Accounting Career

The Financial Controller is a senior finance professional with leadership responsibilities and the main point of contact on finance matters for a business. A seriously heavy hitting role

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Financial Planning: Helping people achieve their financial goals

Financial planning has had its share of bad press. And rightly so. But done the right way it can offer a diverse and rewarding career assisting clients achieve their financial objectives

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How A Mock Job Interview Can Triple Your Chances Of Getting A Job

A mock job interview is a secret weapon that many accounting job candidates are not aware of but should be. Here’s your chance to get raw feedback on your eye contact, annoying habits and mumbling.

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How To Become A CPA - The Steps To A Stimulating Career

When looking at how to become a CPA, it basically comes down to The 3 Es: Education, Examination and Experience.

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What Can You Do With An Accounting Degree? 15 Incredible Opportunities Await You

What Can You Do With An Accounting Degree is a question many people interested in accounting need to know. And the diversity is incredible from CPA's to CFO's, CEO's, entrepreneurs & bookkeepers

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University of California Los Angeles Accounting Degree Programs

University of California Los Angeles Accounting Degree Programs are an excellent choice for graduate students looking for a highly rated MBA. But forget the undergraduate program

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University of Washington Accounting Degree Programs: The Northwest’s Public Ivy

The University of Washington Accounting Degree Programs are highly rated and offered through the Foster School of Business in the commercial hub of Seattle

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University of California Berkeley Accounting Degree Programs. Where Are They?

University of California Berkeley Accounting Degree Programs offer undergraduate and graduate degrees through the Haas School of Business, but they can be a bit hard to find.

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Seattle University Accounting Degree Programs: Spiritual Replenishment?

Seattle University Accounting Degree Programs include both undergraduate and graduate programs with a Jesuit influence, providing a well-rounded personal education

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Why A Career In Accounting Might Be Wrong For You

Is a career in accounting right for you? Answer these seven questions to make sure you don’t miss out on a great career opportunity

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Michigan State University Accounting Degree Programs: Quality and quantity

Michigan State University Accounting Degree Programs offer an all-round education experience at the Eli Broad School of Business

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Arizona State University Accounting Degree Programs: Studying in the sun

Arizona State University Accounting Degree Programs offer highly rated undergraduate and graduate courses through the WP Carey School of Business in Phoenix

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